Beau Von Acadia Haus
Male Dutch Shepherd
DOB-03/10/2021 Just over 3 years old
Excellent temperament with high prey drive, fight drive, and defense drive. Personally owned and trained by Acadia Canine Academy since he was 4 months old. Well-mannered in home and in public. Social animal yet dominant. Will alert on command of, "watch 'em". Will attack on command and will release on command. Serious inquiries only!
Ask for Jim at Acadia Canine Academy.
More videos and photos available.
UPDATE: Beau is now in Vermont with a family of 4, the loyal protector of this family that experienced a home invasion that fortunately did not result in physical injury. The psychological scars remain, but the family can now sleep in comfort knowing they are safe with Beau Von Acadia Haus!