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We Build  Your Elite Personal Protection K9 From a Pup!​

Babette Von Acadia Haus

Babette Von Acadia Haus

Babette Von Acadia Haus is a fawn colored female Dutch Shepherd born April 24, 2024. Super high drives and on her way to being an Elite Personal Protection Dog.


Achilles Von Acadia Haus

Achilles Von Acadia Haus

Achilles Von Acadia Haus (Finn) at 20 months old working on his grips and barking on protection table.This lean muscular male had his umbilical cord severed and was given his first breath of life here at Acadia Canine Academy in Kingston, New York. Achilles is registered with the FCI under the kennel name of Acadia Haus. He is one of two progeny whelped on May18th 2023, a result of artificial insemination from Hollander Vato Loco Van Le Dobry from The Netherlands, a super IGP competition Dutch Shepherd.


Bella II Von Acadia Haus

Bella II Von Acadia Haus

Bella II Von Acadia Haus at 8 months old



Beau Von Acadia Haus

Beau Von Acadia Haus

Male Dutch Shepherd

DOB-03/10/2021 Just over 3 years old


Bianca Von Acadia Haus

Bianca Von Acadia Haus

Bianca Von Acadia Haus one of our (4) four fawn colored Dutch Shepherds at 8 months old is still available to reserve.


​We begin with our own breeding stock of superior genetically sound German Shepherds and Dutch Shepherds. We give each pup its first breath of life and cut the umbilical cord. When you purchase an Elite Personal Protection K9 from us, you become part of our family, just like each of the canine bodyguards we sell is part of our family. Each dog we build, actually lives in the home of one of our trainers, with them and their family. These canines eat with our children nearby, ride in our cars with us, and watch TV with us at night. Many companies have huge kennel buildings with hundreds of kennel runs, and only let the dog out for training. After the training session, the canine is returned to its 5x10 kennel run until the next training day. This is not the case at Acadia Canine Academy.


Our method is different. We believe that a canine bodyguard must be trained in an environment extremely similar to that in which it will live and serve its family. Since the canine bodyguard will live in your home with you and your children, will travel in your car, and will lie at your son or daughter's feet at night when they sleep, that is the type of environment in which we train each one of the canines we sell.​ Without this in-home, family environment training, the preparation of a canine bodyguard simply isn't complete. We currently have 4 Dutch Shepherd puppies that are 10 months old, two females and two males. These are Dutch Shepherds of superior quality with excellent genetic nerves, Check out our Puppies For Sale page for all the particulars on the parents who are of superior quality. Excellent Penn hip ratings! Zero genetic anomalies out of 229 potential genetic anomalies from an Embark DNA profile test. Watch our videos of the parent's protection work and Bella II, a littermate to these fine Dutch Shepherd puppies that remain with us to custom build for your personal protection needs and loyal family members. These Dutch Shepherds are the REAL DEAL! Bella II has been reserved from birth and is being built for a special client. You have to see her protection training videos to understand the quality of these pups. Take a look at Achilles Von Acadia Haus below who is now 18 months old, still a pup but 85 lbs.​​

Achillies Von Acadia Haus | 18 Months
Bella II - 6.5 Months

Bella II began protection training on August 17th, 2024. She was born on April 24th, 2024. This is par for the building of an Elite Personal Protection Dog. First, she needed to be worked in prey drive to want to get the bite toy, AFTER a good foundation of obedience was trained. Without that foundation of obedience, nothing can be built. Mind you, Bella II was environmentally socialized out in public places such as low-traffic stores like Home Depot, then onto high-traffic stores such as supermarkets, farm stands, etc. She had to be taught to walk on all different ground surfaces, through different noise levels, ride in vehicles, see farm animals without being reactive, and be social with strangers, and children. She quickly advanced beyond a puppy protection sleeve and bite pillow. After we trained her grip to be a full, firm grip we desensitized her to external stimuli such as hitting her with empty 1-gallon milk containers, and other different things to teach her to stay in the fight no matter what, teaching her to go into fight drive with that full, firm grip and no matter what, don't come off the bite. I taught her to protect herself, from being slammed into a wall by putting her feet out first and bouncing off the wall while on the bite and going into a higher fight drive with thrashing. 


The mother to this puppy, Bella, is our showcase dog in sociability, obedience, and protection work. This pup, Bella II is 4 months ahead of her mother in training. I obtained her mother at 7 months old. Bella II is on her way to being built to be an Elite Personal Protection Dog that most people cannot afford. We get many people who call us to inquire about training their dog to do what this dog is capable of doing. We have had people bring us their dog to test and we have had their dog try to jump through our windows in fear when we cracked a whip that sounded like a 22-caliber round being shot. Even stomping a foot on the floor loudly put their dogs into flight. The price for an Elite Personal Protection Dog begins at $75,000.00. Such a dog is HIGLEY TRAINED to conduct a home search for its family before they enter their home, or hotel suite. When you see somebody reaching for their pocket that you deem a threat, the dog already knows it and is on that threat before they can get their hand out of their pocket. This is a small part of what we have trained our dogs to do proficiently. 


We have 4 remaining 10-month-old Dutch Shepherds that will be for sale as Elite Personal Protection Dogs from the same litter as Bella II. We will not waste our time entertaining any inquiries with anyone who thinks they are shopping for a bargain. They can go buy a gun, but they will never get their gun unholstered and drawn quicker than we can deploy a Dutch Shepherd trained here at Acadia Canine Academy. Life is precious. The protection of this non-renewable gift called life is not for everyone. It comes with a price tag that's minimal in comparison to the value of the human life of a family member or friend. People don't truly understand how much training goes into these special dogs. 


Contact us today for more information and to consummate a purchase/investment in a superior Elite Personal Protection Dutch Shepherd Dog.

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