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Dutch Shepherd Puppies For Sale in Kingston, NY


This will be Bella's last breeding!!!
We had (8) eight successful ties beginning on February 14th, Valentine's Day, ending February 21st.
It will be an April 2025 litter on the ground. Get your Puppy Registration Form and deposit in before there are no more reservations accepted.

Acadia Canine Academy acquired a new Dutch Shepherd stud dog on Thanksgiving Day in 2023. He passes our critical standards for breeding! Excellent instinctual drive levels. PennHIP evaluation resulted in a Distraction Index of 0.29 equating to Excellent/Symmetrical Hips.
His name is El Diablo Von Acadia Haus.

We suggest that you make your reservation for a puppy from our next special breeding (2025) NOW!!!  Bella & Diablo were bred for (8) eight consecutive days,  February 14th-21st 2025! Don't miss out on this special breeding. We already have (2) two pups reserved with a deposit. Get your deposit in with a completed Puppy Registration Form.


Both of these breeding Dutchies are of superior quality in their genetics and structure. These pups will be in high demand for dog sport, personal protection, and great family members. Good dogs do not last for those who hesitate. We are going to be very selective about whom we sell our pups to. This is a super breeding pair of Dutch Shepherds. 

2024 Puppy Litter | Natural Drive
2024 Puppies
2024 Puppies Playing
2024 Puppies Outside
Achillies Von Acadia Haus | 18 Months
Bella II - 6.5 Months

At Stud
El Diablo Von Acadia Haus

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Bella Von Acadia Haus had an Embark DNA Profile test done with the results revealing that Breed Relevant Genetic Conditions, (5) five variants, were not detected. Further analysis of additional genetic conditions (229) two-hundred twenty-nine variants were not detected. These findings are wonderful and attest to Bella's breed worthiness.

Bella Von Acadia Haus

DAM- Bella Von Acadia Haus


FCI Registry#: FCPR.RI.HD22.690



Bella is a super high drive, 60 lb., Brindle colored, Dutch Shepherd. We trained Bella at 6 months old in our Board & Train Program for a client who had no idea of what he had for a dog. The owner was the average pet owner, but Bella was and is the Lamborghini of working dogs. I have never seen a dog as fast as Bella in all respects. Two weeks after Bella's return to Brooklyn, New York from our Board & Train Program, the owner called us and asked us if we wanted Bella because she was too much dog for him. Bella had super high defense drive, similar to PTSD, due to trauma from a prong collar at a young age! The owner was unable to walk the streets of Brooklyn with Bella without Bella wanting to attack anyone who approached them, outsiders to her pack. This was not fear based in any manner. Bella is a very confident, courageous dog, with steady nerves. Bella was a warrior to have survived the barbaric brutality of the excessive use of a prong collar that rendered her with scar tissue around her neck and damage to her larynx. She recovered nicely. If I was doing IGP competition, Bella is a dog that I could go to the top with her unbelievable instinctual drives. I have had her since she was 7 months old and she is highly trained in obedience and protection. She is the epitome of what a protection dog should be and a superior pack member in the home. At 2 years old, I had her hips and elbows x-rayed to determine if she was breed-worthy. Elbows came back NORMAL, and her hip x-rays were submitted for analysis by Penn Hip standards, and the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA). OFA rating was GOOD, and Penn Hip, EXCELLENT. Her pedigree lineage was unimportant to me as I knew what I was looking at with her instinctual drives, a superior specimen of the Dutch Shepherd Breed. Have no idea of her pedigree but that is inconsequential when you really know what you have for a dog in front of you with my vast experience. Bella is a prize and will produce excellent progeny with the correct Sire stud dog. Hence, after much research for a genetically sound, proven, stud dog,  I was referred by a friend in Belgium to another gentleman in Belgium, who in turn referred me to a gentleman in The Netherlands by the name of Jack Steinstra, of Le Dobry Kennel. Jack has superior quality Dutch Shepherds that he has been breeding since 2000, that have been proven in the dog sport of Schutzhund IGP. Jack demonstrates what breeding superior Dutch Shepherds should be by doing DNA profiles, hip and elbow ratings and further health testing to ensure good health. Through considerable communications with Jack for about a month, Jack came to a determination of a good match to breed Bella to which was his IGP competition dog, Holland Vato Loco v. Le Dobry.


Bella's Hip & Elbow Certifications


Holland Vato Loco van Le Dobry

SIRE-  Holland Vato Loco v. Le Dobry


Dutch Registry#: NHSB-3105811



Holland Vato Loco v. Le Dobry Scores

IGP1 99-92-100
IGP 2 86-96-98
IGP 3 86-96-95

Dog Information Holland Vato Loco van Le Dobry


Breed: Dutch Shepherd

Variety: short-haired

Bred in: RvB  / FCI

Nickname: Croco

Date of birth: 06.12.2017 (5 Years)

Height / Weight: no data cm / 36.00 kg

Pedigree number: NHSB 3105811

Chip number: 28140000706876 NLD

Breeders’ association: VVHH

Result: fokgeschikt

Working cert.: BH, IGP 1, IGP 2, IGP 3

Dog Information Holland Vato Loco van le Dobry

Achilles Von Acadia Haus, son of Bella Von Acadia Haus and Holland Vato Loco Van Le Dobry

Shepherd dog for breeding
Shepherd puppy
Dutch Shepherd breeding dog
Dutch Shepherd
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